Welcome to BETT Show 2017
It was our first time at the BETT Show in London this year and we were very excited about the event. Our booth was situated in the maker area, surrounded by 3D printing and drones. So our bricks, especially the new logic bricks, fit in perfectly.
The BETT Show is all about education, new technologies and integrating them into school lessons or educational training and developing and implementing new ideas in these fields. The common goal: Exhibitors and visitors can meet, exchange ideas and get inspired.
There were two favorites among our bricks sets at the BETT Show: the solar set that we built up including the solar panel and our new logic set (available in March) that curious Brits (frequently teachers or other educators) examined and tested. Usually, BETT visitors were pretty well versed and asked profound questions about the individual circuits that we presented. They very often asked us for further teaching material that they could use to include the bricks in their curricula. This encouraged us in what we were planning anyway: a new topic on our website covering the field of education. Please click here for more information: https://www.brickrknowledge.de/education/
We will be back in London for the BETT Show 2018!