The CQ DL set
We will ship the first RF-Bricks of the MHz and GHz series soon.
RF MHz Brick LOG Powermeter LF-500MHz
With a full dynamic range of round about -75dBm to +15dBm it´s possible to measure the rf power of a rf system. Because of the high dynamic range this brick also allows for the measuring of receiver circuits. A rf signal is connected to the input of the rf brick and the result is represented by a voltage between 0.3 and 2.3V. The voltage has a slope of around 20mV/dB. This allows direct connection of an ad converter for example for the ardunio nano brick for reading the result. The frequency range is from several kHz up to 500Mhz. A correction curve is available in the manufactorer datasheet of the AD8307 which we use for conversion. A voltage stabilizer is also in the brick, and allows a external voltage of 9V.
RF MHz Brick Highpassfilter.
This brick is used as demonstration rbick for our small skalar network analyzer which we presented in the german ham radio magazine CQ DL 2016/1.
RF GHz VCO 400MHz-1300MHz
The oscillator is voltage controlled and allows a frequency range from 400MHz to 1300MHz by using a control voltage between 0V and 20V. Its possible to use our D/A converter brick wird up to 10V directly for around 800MHz and therefore build a small scalar network analyzer. The result can be converted using one of the log amplifier bricks with upcoming versions 10Mhz-6GHz and 1MHz to 10GHz. The output is feed into the A/D converter of the arduino nano as example. This allows not only measuring of filter devices but also using a rf bridge for display an antenna measuring result.